Covid-19 Info

The information on this page is "fluid" and will be adjusted as needed.
Updated: 3-31-23
Continuing with mic covers, sanitizing hands, etc.
Contactless Song Slips via Google Forms
Our Songbook, as always is ONLINE ONLY
We supply each singer with a DISPOSABLE mic cover each time they sing
Singers MUST have their own foam mic windscreen (BYO or $1.00 [Max's on Main free] - reusable for any shows)
Mics are rotated and UV-C sanitized between singers
Here’s how YOU can be a fantastic and responsible guest at our shows
"Common sense section"
We strictly follow local, state, and national health guidelines,
as well as, what we feel is best for our singers and the show!
* Be healthy please *
Exhibiting ANY symptoms, Covid or not? Please, please stay home and join us when you are better!
* Be self-aware *
Please, if you have to cough or clear your throat...cover your mouth with your arm...
and please do not do it directly into the mic or the TV screen

Song slips will be done via Google Forms. There will be a QR Code and this link available at the shows
A hand sanitizer station will be used by singers before and after they sing (near stage area)
All singers will have their own REUSABLE Windscreen Foam Cover
We supply these with a ziplock bag to keep it clean. **$1 for your first one, $5@ if you need to replace it.
You can supply your own, make sure they fit a standard sized mic. Leave in your car, use at ALL shows.
You can wash it with mild soap and water. Make sure to NOT store it with the bag zipped closed.
**Free @ Max's on Main
All mics will have Disposable Microphone Grill Covers on them
We supply these, at no cost to you. Once you sing your song, take your Windscreen off, put it in your
ziplock bag, and then toss the disposable mic grill cover.
All mics will be sanitized between singers
We will be using a UVC Microphone Sterilizer as well as a surface disinfectant wipe down of the mic as needed.